Sunday, February 08, 2009

The passing of my father

My father passed away this past Friday in his slepp. He will be missed very much: I am honored to have been his daughter

How does one say Good-bye?

How does one say good-bye,
To the man who was always their hero,
The man who nurtured their soul,
He who taught them the deeper value,
In knowing right and wrong?

How does a girl thank the man,
Who set the standard by which,
All men would be measured,
A standard she would hold even herself to?

How does one say good-bye,
To the man who removed slivers from fingers,
Dabbed skinned knees with stinging iodine,
And sealed them all with a kiss to make it better?

She doesn’t say good-bye,
She finds pieces of him in herself,
So much of the best of her,
She owes to him, her father.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Karen / Belated, but sorry / You posted this the day before Dottie died . . . I hope you are doing well . . .

5:28 PM  
Blogger Karin said...


My name is Karin van der Laan and i have also a blog.

I come from Holland.


12:34 PM  

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